CSA II®: The New Confederate States Of America

Frequently Asked Questions

Is CSA II® A Neo-Confederate Organization?

CSA II® and it's subsidiaries, Are NOT, AND NEVER WILL BE, a Neo-Confederate Organization.

Heritage - Not Hate are the words our organization lives by and grows by.

We are not a hate organization, nor will it be tolerated in any way!!!

Do You Limit Who You Allow In Your Organization?

No, we do not whatsoever. If you have Confederate Ancestors and/or follow the ideals of CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America of Heritage ~ Not Hate, You Are Welcome To Join Us, regardless of race, color, or creed as the original Confederacy was made up of many ethnicity's.

The only items that are BANNED from our organization is ANY TYPE OF HATE GROUP OR ORGANIZATION. If you are affiliated with or found to be affiliated with ANY TYPE of hate organization, you are not welcome to be a part of our organization WHATSOEVER.

Does CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America sell merchandise?

Yes we do. CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America Inc's subsidiary is CSA II®'s Rebel Corner with over 2,000+ items and can be found at www.rebelcorner.com.

Is CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America affiliated with the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, or any other type of organization?

CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America is not directly affiliated with any other organization. Our membership is made up of members who may be a part of other organizations from the SCV, UDC, Three Percenters and many more as well as ours. We are all united and working together for a common mission.

Does CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America offer other membership options with higher benefits?

Yes, CSA II®: The New Confederate States of America is offering several other optional membership options with greater benefits to our members.